1. Write Simply:
Long sentences with complex structures that attempt to explain a topic in complicated terms that could otherwise be described in a more straightforward manner should be avoided. Make use of simple sentences.
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2. Use Keywords:
Make use of terms that are commonly used to describe your subject. As much as possible, avoid using proprietary terms and abbreviations.
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3. Use Headings:
Break up your text with brief but descriptive headings and subheadings to help users find information more quickly.
4. Don’t Plagiarize:
Write your own content to avoid having your website fail because you couldn't be original. To ensure that your content is unique, use a duplicate content checker tool.
5. Use an Outline:
Or, at the very least, have a solid, organized plan for what you'll write for each web page.
6. Highlight only as Necessary:
To draw attention to an important point, use bold sparingly.
7. Be Concise:
Don't say something in 150 words that could be said in 75. Don't say something in 75 words that could be said in 30.
8. Use the Proper Case:
Uppercase is much more difficult to read than sentence case. Use bold to emphasize an important point.
9. Use Calls-to-action (CTAs):
A call to action (CTA) is a button, link, image, or another type of graphic that invites a site visitor to become a participant or customer. If you create great content but don't include a call to action, your content will be far less effective at converting visitors into customers.
10. Research the Audience:
Knowing what your audience is interested in outside of the landing page you're designing can help you decide what elements to include in your website content to keep them engaged.