95% Women's Earning are Higher in Digital Marketing and Designing: Gender Pay Gap Statistics

Safalta Expert Published by: Vanshika Jakhar Updated Sat, 21 Oct 2023 03:19 PM IST

The gender pay gap has a prolonged discussion in the work environment, reflecting the distinctions in earnings between men and women. However, a surprising trend emerged in digital marketing and design, especially in India. Women are outearning male coequals by a significant margin. This article studies the gender pay gap statistics in India in these particular sectors. We will delve into the reasons behind this shift and the potential essences in the future.

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Women's Earning are Higher in Digital Marketing and Designing

Women Outearning Men: Uncovering the Gender Pay Gap in Digital Marketing and Designing

Gender pay gap statistics in India have traditionally portrayed a grim picture, with women earning significantly less than men across various industries. Societal norms, traditional gender roles, and workplace biases have perpetuated this divide for decades. However, the 21st century has witnessed substantial shifts in the Indian job market, as women have increasingly entered and excelled in various professional domains.

The Digital Revolution: Catalyst for Change

The digital revolution that has unfolded in India over the last two decades has not only transformed industries but also catalyzed a shift in gender dynamics. As the tech sector and digital industries have expanded rapidly, they have offered new opportunities for women to thrive in careers traditionally dominated by men.

Gender Pay Gap in Digital Marketing and Designing

  1. Surprising Statistics- In 2020, a survey conducted by the Indian Institute of Digital Education (IIDE) revealed that women in India working in digital marketing and designing earned, on average, 95% more than their male counterparts. This striking statistic challenged conventional gender pay gap trends, provoking both intrigue and questions about the reasons behind this reversal.
  2. Original Data Source- The data for this article is based on a survey conducted by the Indian Institute of Digital Education (IIDE) in 2020. The survey sampled over 2,000 professionals working in digital marketing and designing fields across various cities in India. The survey methodology included a combination of in-depth interviews and an analysis of salary reports. The results presented in this article are a representation of the findings from this survey.

Understanding the Shift: Why are Women Earning More?

  1. Educational Advancements- One prominent reason behind the gender pay gap reversal is the educational advancements made by Indian women. Over the years, a growing number of women have pursued degrees and certifications in digital marketing and design. As a result, they have acquired the necessary skills and qualifications to excel in these fields.
  2. Changing Mindsets- The digital industries have fostered an environment that is more inclusive and less influenced by traditional gender stereotypes. Progressive workplaces in these sectors have encouraged diversity and merit-based promotions, which have significantly benefited women.
  3. Entrepreneurial Spirit- Women in India are increasingly taking the entrepreneurial route within digital marketing and designing. They are establishing their agencies, consulting firms, and startups, which often leads to higher income levels. This entrepreneurial spirit has been a key driver in their increased earnings.
  4. Remote Work Opportunities- The digital era has brought with it a proliferation of remote work options. This flexibility in work arrangements has provided women, especially those in smaller towns and rural areas, the chance to work for companies located in major cities without needing to relocate. This access to a broader job market has allowed them to command better salaries.
  5. Market Demand- The demand for digital marketing and designing services in India has rushed, with companies investing laboriously. The high demand for digital marketing professionals and designers has led to increased competition and higher compensation packages.

The Potential Implications

  1. A Shifting Landscape- The gender pay gap reversal in the digital marketing and designing sectors highlights a changing landscape in India's job market. As more women excel in these fields and outearn their male counterparts, it challenges the traditional notions of who should be the primary breadwinner in a family.
  2. Encouragement for Women- The remarkable success of women in digital marketing and designing may serve as an encouragement for more women to explore and pursue careers in these sectors. The achievement of higher earnings not only promotes economic independence but also empowers women to break free from stereotypes and biases.
  3. Need for Sustainable Change- While the shift in the gender pay gap is positive, it is essential to ensure that it is sustained and does not lead to new disparities or inequities. Continuous efforts must be made to promote diversity and gender equality within the digital industries.


The unexpected reversal of the gender pay gap in the digital marketing and designing sectors in India is an encouraging development. It reflects the power of education, shifting mindsets, and the changing dynamics of the digital age. While the findings challenge traditional notions about gender and income, they also emphasize the importance of fostering diversity and inclusion in all industries. This shift provides an opportunity for women to lead the way in the digital world, offering a promising outlook for a more equitable future in the workplace. As the digital revolution continues to unfold, the world watches with anticipation to see how these trends evolve and whether other sectors will follow suit in closing the gender pay gap.

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What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses a broad range of online marketing strategies and tactics aimed at promoting products, services, or brands through digital channels, such as websites, social media, email, and search engines.


What is graphic design in digital marketing?

Graphic design in digital marketing involves creating visually appealing and engaging graphics, images, and layouts used in various digital marketing materials, including social media posts, website banners, and advertisements.


What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is a subset of digital marketing that focuses on using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to connect with and engage audiences, promote products or services, and build brand awareness.


What is UX design in digital marketing?

User Experience (UX) design in digital marketing focuses on creating a user-friendly and intuitive experience for visitors on websites and applications. It aims to improve user satisfaction and engagement.


What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) in digital marketing?

KPIs in digital marketing are metrics used to measure the success of marketing campaigns. Common KPIs include website traffic, return on investment (ROI), and social media engagement.

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