How to handle SEO during website migration or domain changes?

Safalta Expert Published by: Aditi Goyal Updated Sun, 18 Jun 2023 10:02 PM IST

The SEO (search engine optimization) of your website may be significantly impacted by major initiatives like website migration or domain changes. If not managed correctly, these transitions may lead to a decline in organic traffic, rankings, and overall visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). You can, however, reduce the negative effects and guarantee a smooth transition by carefully planning your strategy and executing it. The key components of handling SEO during website migration or domain changes will be covered in this article.

Table of Contents:
What is website migration?
Why should you consider SEO in a website migration?
Suggestions to help you manage SEO.

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What is website migration?

An extensive URL, structure, content, UX, design, or platform change is made to a website during a website migration. It could be anything, such as changing the URL structure, updating the design of your website, or moving it to a new domain or content management system (CMS).

Why should you consider SEO in a website migration?

Your website now has rankings for the keywords and searches that your prospects and customers use to find you online thanks to the organic visibility and equity that have been built up on your website over time. When you alter the URLs, the content, and the overall structure of your website, you alter the metrics that search engines used to determine your rankings as well as what they know about your website. Any website migration should attempt to minimise traffic losses as much as possible; carrying out a thorough SEO migration makes sure that this won't happen.

It can be a great idea to boost your website's SEO when you migrate it or change the domain. To avoid losing traffic and rankings, it's crucial to plan meticulously and carry out the migration correctly. During a website migration or domain change, the following suggestions will help you manage SEO:
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Thorough Planning and Preparation

Careful planning and preparation are the foundation of a successful website migration or domain change. First, learn about the content, structure, and SEO performance of your current website. Conduct a thorough audit to find the pages, backlinks, and keywords that are most effective at driving organic traffic to your website.

Establish definite goals and objectives

Outline your migration or domain change's goals and objectives in detail. Do you plan to grow your business, enhance user experience, or rebrand? Setting up clear goals will help you make better decisions and enable you to assess how well the transition went.

Choose the Appropriate Migration Method

Choose the best migration strategy based on your unique requirements and the size of the change. Following are three typical approaches:
a. 1-to-1 migration is the transfer of content from one domain to another with minimal changes.
b. Consolidation Migration: Combining multiple websites or domains into a single one.
c. Redesign Migration: Modifying the website's organisation, subject matter, and visual appearance in addition to changing the domain.

Implement 301 Redirects

To maintain the SEO value of your website and prevent broken links, it is essential to correctly implement 301 redirects. To ensure that users and search engines transition to the new website without any difficulty, redirect old URLs to their corresponding new URLs. Do not forget to redirect not only your primary pages but also specific blog posts, product pages, and any other valuable content.

Updating Internal Links and Navigation

Make sure that all internal links on your website have been changed to reflect the new URLs. Refresh any references to internal pages, including footer links and navigation menus. Your chances of users running into broken links or getting lost in the transition are lower if you maintain a smooth user experience.

Update External Links

Update External Links: Inform or update partner and third-party websites that have links to your old domain or particular pages so that they point to the new domain. For your search engine rankings and referral traffic to stay stable, building backlinks to the new website is crucial.
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Let search engines know

Utilise the webmaster tools of the relevant search engine, such as Google Search Console, to inform them of the migration or domain change of your website. Send a fresh XML sitemap along with a request for a website crawl. With the aid of this step, search engines are better able to comprehend the updates and changes to the content and structure of your website.

Monitor and Analyse

Monitor and Analyze: Regularly monitor your website's performance and track key metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and backlink profile after the migration or domain change. To gather data and spot any potential problems that need to be fixed, set up tracking tools like Google Analytics and Search Console.

Review and Optimisation of Content

While migrating, make use of the time to review and improve your content. Make improvements to the user experience of your website by updating out-of-date information, making sure meta tags and descriptions are pertinent, and updating meta tags. To improve search engine comprehension and visibility, think about implementing structured data markup.

Promote and Communicate the Change

Use a variety of channels to inform your stakeholders, audience, and customers about the website migration or domain change. Use email marketing, social media, blog posts, and press releases to let people know about the change, its advantages, and any potential disruptions they might experience. To maintain trust and reduce misunderstanding, address any issues or questions right away. If not handled carefully, moving a website or changing the domain name can be difficult and dangerous tasks. By taking these crucial measures, you can minimise the possible harm to your SEO and guarantee a smooth transition that keeps your website's search engine visibility, organic traffic, and overall online presence. Never forget that the keys to success during this crucial stage of your online journey are effective planning, communication, and constant monitoring.

Will my website experience a drop in search rankings during a website migration or domain change?

It is common for websites to experience some fluctuations in search rankings during a migration or domain change. However, with proper planning, implementation of best practices, and monitoring, you can minimize the impact and recover your rankings relatively quickly.

How long will it take for my website to regain its organic traffic after a migration or domain change?

The time it takes to regain organic traffic can vary depending on various factors, including the size of your website, the extent of the changes, the quality of implementation, and search engine indexing. It is not uncommon for the process to take several weeks or even months. Continuously monitoring and optimizing your website's performance can help speed up the recovery process.

Do I need to update all my internal links when migrating my website or changing domains?

Yes, it is crucial to update all internal links within your website to reflect the new URLs. Failing to do so can result in broken links and negatively impact user experience. Ensure that navigation menus, footer links, and other references to internal pages are updated accordingly.

How do I handle external links pointing to my old domain during a domain change?

It is important to update or inform third-party websites and partners that have linked to your old domain about the change. Request that they update their links to point to your new domain. Additionally, you can set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the corresponding new URLs to preserve the SEO value of those incoming links.

Should I inform search engines about my website migration or domain change?

Yes, it is essential to inform search engines about your website migration or domain change through their respective webmaster tools, such as Google Search Console. This allows search engines to understand the changes and update their indexes accordingly. Submit a new XML sitemap and request a re-crawl of your website to expedite the process.

Is it necessary to optimize my content during a website migration or domain change?

While migrating, it is a good opportunity to review and optimize your content. Update outdated information, ensure meta tags and descriptions are relevant, and improve the overall user experience. Taking these steps can positively impact your SEO and enhance your website's visibility in search engine results.

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