Body Language: Why It Matters

Safalta expert Published by: Gitika Jangir Updated Sat, 04 Feb 2023 05:25 PM IST


The silent component of communication that we employ to express our actual emotions and give our messages greater weight is body language. Check all the details here at

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The silent component of communication that we employ to express our actual emotions and give our messages greater weight is body language. There is a lot more to communication than just words. Nonverbal cues including posture, gestures, and voice inflexion all have an impact. A comfortable facial expression that develops into a sincere smile, with the mouth turned up and the eyes wrinkled is a straightforward illustration of body language. It can also be a head tilt to indicate thought, a straight posture to indicate interest, or hand and arm motions to indicate directions.


Another example would be to avoid adopting a defensive stance with your arms crossed or tapping your feet erratically.  

Body Language: Why It Matters

Body language, which also includes our posture, gestures, and motions, is a form of nonverbal communication. Although it's just as important as verbal communication, we typically overlook it when speaking or presenting.No matter how intriguing or engaging a speech is, the audience is less likely to pay attention if the speaker is displaying unfavourable body language. Similarly to this, even if you're actively listening to someone in a conversation, your body language may give the impression that you're not interested in what they have to say.

The following are some of the most typical body language patterns to watch out for:


  • An overly firm handshake.
  • Invading personal space.
  • Hands-on hips or legs too wide.
  • Eye contact to the point of staring.
  • Aggressive physical movements like finger-pointing.


  • Crossed arms or legs.
  • A lack of eye contact.
  • Leaning away.
  • Hunched shoulders.
  • Eye rolls.


  • Biting nails.
  • Fidgeting.
  • Coughing.
  • Weak handshake.
  • Putting hands on head.
  • No eye contact.
  • Excessive fidgeting.
  • Yawning.
  • Shifting weight and sitting uncomfortably.
  • Rubbing face.


  • Good eye contact.
  • Confident stance.
  • Positive gestures.
  • Nodding in agreement.
  • Smiling.
Body language is not a precise science, therefore someone who is bored or engaged could not exhibit every one of the aforementioned characteristics. To better comprehend how someone is seeing you, pay attention to their position, gestures, and amount of eye contact when you speak to them.

Examples of Good Body Language

Additionally, people utilise their body language to express positive emotions like attention, trust, and happiness. These indicators might reassure you that people are interested in what you're saying and comfortable with the circumstances. Additionally, by modelling these actions, you will be able to support your arguments, present your views more succinctly, and prevent communicating incongruently.
Here are three ways to benefit from using positive body language:

Making a Good First Impression: Body Language

Your nonverbal cues greatly influence how others perceive you. Here are some tips for projecting reliability, interest, vigour, and composure:
  • Be open in your posture. Be at ease, but avoid dozing off. Put your hands by your sides and either sit or stand tall. Do not stand with your hands on your hips as this can imply dominance or violence.
  • Shake hands firmly. But be careful not to overdo it! You don't want the other person to experience awkwardness, aggression, or suffering.
  • Keep steady eye contact. Try to maintain eye contact with the other individual for brief periods of time. This will demonstrate to them your engagement and sincerity. But try not to make it into a stare-off!
  • Do not touch your face. This can be interpreted as lying if you do it when responding to inquiries. Even while this isn't always the case, you should nevertheless try to keep your hands off your hair and your nose so that you come off as trustworthy.
  • Smile! Warm, genuine grins are endearing, comforting, and contagious!

How to Use Body Language When Speaking in Public

When you speak in public, using confident body language can enable you to project confidence, engage audiences, and hide any presentation anxiety. Here are some pointers to get you started:
  • Take a good-natured stance. With your shoulders back and your arms out in front of you or at your sides, sit or stand straight. Avoid the temptation to slouch or put your hands in your pockets, as these actions will give the impression that you lack interest.
  • Hold your head high. Your head ought to be level and erect. You may come out as pushy or haughty if you lean too much forward or backwards.
  • Your posture will improve with practise. Stand comfortably, evenly distributing your weight. To maintain balance, place one foot slightly in front of the other.
  • Make hand gestures with your hands open. With your palms slightly facing your audience, spread your hands apart in front of you. This demonstrates a desire to converse and exchange views. The upper arms should remain close to the body. Avoid overexpressing yourself or else people may concentrate more on your hands than your ideas.

Body Language for Negotiations and Interviews

Body language can also assist you in maintaining composure in emotionally charged circumstances like a negotiation, performance review, or interview. To ease tension and demonstrate openness, abide by these recommendations:
  • Employ mirroring. Consider quietly mimicking the other person's body language when you can. This will put them at ease and help establish a rapport. However, don't mimic every move they do or you'll annoy them.
  • Your body should be relaxed. Continue to breathe gently and keep your hands still to project a calm demeanour.
  • Display interest. It's acceptable to lightly touch your cheek or rub your chin when you're asked about a complicated subject. It implies that you are considering your response.

Does body language improve your personality?

Your personality can be enhanced through your body language by making a good impression and expressing confidence can be done by standing up straight, making eye contact, and speaking effectively.

  • Leaning in, nodding, and maintaining eye contact throughout conversations are all ways to demonstrate attention and engagement.
  • Expressing friendliness and approachability: You can come across as nice and approachable by smiling, making eye contact, and maintaining an open stance.
  • Professionalism: You can project professionalism by keeping a calm demeanour, refraining from fidgeting, and making the right motions.
It's crucial to remember that body language is context- and cultural-dependent, therefore it's a good idea to research and comprehend the customs in the contexts in which you communicate.

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What are the benefits of body language?

Effective body language has a number of advantages, such as:
  • Communication is improved thanks to the added context, emphasis, and meaning provided by body language.
  • Increased impact: You may influence others and build credibility by using effective body language.
  • Positive body language can improve relationships by fostering rapport, fostering trust, and fostering a sense of community.
  • Body language that exudes confidence can make people feel more confident, more assertive, and less anxious in social circumstances.
  • Better first impressions: A self-assured and engaging body language can help you make a first impression and stand out in a good way.
  • Better emotional expression: Body language may communicate feelings that could be difficult to express verbally, which facilitates social interaction.

Why is body language important?

It is a form of nonverbal communication that we employ to express meaning and intention, body language is crucial. Up to 70% of the impact of a message can be attributed to nonverbal communication, which includes body language, gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice. This implies that effective communication requires both what we say and how we express it. Our emotions, thoughts, and attitude may all be expressed through our body language, which has a significant impact on how other people see us and react to us. In summary, body language is vital to our daily interactions and has a big influence on how well we communicate and build relationships with people.

What is power of body language?

The potential of body language to dramatically affect how we interact and communicate with others is referred to as its power.
Using body language, one can:
  • Convey feelings: Body language can convey feelings that are hard to explain verbally, helping us to connect with people more deeply.
  • Improve verbal communication: Our body language can accentuate, support, or undermine the words we employ, giving our communications more context and significance.
  • Developing trust and rapport with others can be done by using positive body language, such as smiling, maintaining eye contact, and adopting the same posture as the other person.
  • First impressions can be highly influenced by how we conduct ourselves and portray ourselves to others through our body language.

What is the most important type of body language?

The most significant body language can vary depending on the situation, making it challenging to identify the most significant form. However, some forms of body language are often seen as significant in a variety of circumstances, such as:
  • Making eye contact is seen as a crucial element of nonverbal communication since it indicates interest, attention, and involvement.
  • Facial expressions: An important part of nonverbal communication, facial expressions can convey a variety of emotions, including happiness, rage, and grief.
  • Posture: How we present ourselves to others can say a lot about our confidence, aggressiveness, or submissiveness.
  • Gestures: Gestures, such as nodding or pointing, can be used to highlight or supplement verbal communication as well as to transmit feelings or attitudes.

What are th 3P's of body language?

Body language's "3 P's" are posture, position, and proximity. These are important aspects of nonverbal communication that can have a big impact on how we communicate and interact with others.
  • Posture: The way a person stands, including their stance, bearing, and overall appearance. Slouching or slumping can convey disinterest or lack of confidence, whereas good posture can convey confidence and assertiveness.
  • Position refers to a person's physical placement, including their distance from others and the direction they are facing. In a given situation, a position can communicate interest, attention, or dominance.
  • The distance between individuals and the physical closeness they maintain during interaction is referred to as proximity. Proximity can influence the level of intimacy, comfort, or power in a relationship.

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