"Tamil Nadu will continue to follow the 'no-detention policy' up to class 8.
He pointed out that the centre's move to allow schools to detain students of Class 5 and 8 if they fail to clear exams has created a big stumbling block for children from poor families in getting educated without any hassles up to class 8 and this was 'regrettable'.
In a bid to ensure that all school children continue their education without hindrance, a system of compulsory passing up to eighth standard is currently being implemented in Tamil Nadu.
"In this case, the Union Government has amended the provisions of the Right to Education Act and introduced a system of re- examination in two months for children who do not pass the fifth and eighth class examinations, and the system for children who do not pass that to study in the same class for one year. The Union Government has also said that this new procedure will be applicable to the Union Government Schools which are run following the National Education Policy", the minster said.