The accused, identified as Dr. D Kumar Rana (a resident of Baghpat) and his car driver Aditya (a resident of Baghpat) demanded demanded Rs 50,000 from Rathi saying that the chest was less inflated.
UP Police candidate Nikhil Rathi, a resident of Tokri village of Baghpat, who cleared the UP Police written exam had lodged a report at the Civil Lines police station.
After passing the written exam for police constable recruitment, Rathi had to undergo certificate verification and physical standard test in the line on Saturday.
It is alleged that the doctor asked for Rs 50,000 to declare him fit. Nikhil was fit in the physical standard test. After this case came to light, the transparency of the police recruitment process has also come under question.
According to media reports, the audio of the conversation with the accused driver was also handed over to the police.
Recently, a woman was arrested for allegedly using a forged admit card to appear for the physical standard test during the Uttar Pradesh police recruitment process despite failing the written examination, officials said on Sunday.
Shravasti Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Praveen Kumar Yadav told PTI, "A woman candidate named Richa Singh was arrested on Saturday for attempting to appear for the physical standard test using a fake admit card."
The recruitment process for constable positions included a written exam conducted in August. Those who cleared the exam were invited for the document verification and physical standard test phase, which began on Friday, Yadav said.