Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) is a national-level exam conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) twice a year to determine the eligibility of candidates for appointment as teachers in Classes 1-8. There are two CTET papers in the exam which are Paper-I and Paper-II. Aspirants who plan to teach Classes 1-5 need to give Paper-I and candidates who plan to teach Classes 6-8 need to take Paper-II. Aspirants who plan to teach Classes 1-8 need to take both the papers.
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Important Information
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Applicability
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Exam Date
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Notification
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Exam Pattern
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Minimum Qualifying Marks
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Syllabus
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Eligibility criteria
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Preparation
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Important Information: CBSE has released the exam date of CTET Paper 1 which was earlier scheduled to be conducted on 5th July. But due to the Pandemic, the exam was postponed and now Cbse has come up with new dates for the examination.
Source: Safalta.com
Now the CTET exam which was scheduled for July will be conducted in January 2021.CTET is an opportunity for the aspirants of the teaching sector to become a teacher in various Central Government Schools such as NVS, KVS, Tibetan Schools, etc.The CTET is needed to apply in the Central Government (Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodya Vidyalaya, Central Tibetan Schools, etc.) and schools under the administrative control of UT's of Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep and NCT of Delhi.
There are also unaided private schools who consider the CTET certificates for recruitment of teachers.
Schools which are owned and managed by the State Government/local bodies and aided schools shall consider the TET conducted by the State Government.
But there are times when the State Government also considers the CTET if it decides not to conduct the State TET.
According to CBSE Affiliation Bye-Law 53, prescribing the minimum qualifications for teachers to teach various subjects in Classes I to VIII in the schools affiliated to CBSE stands amended to that extend and it shall be mandatory that the teachers appointed hereinafter i.e.
6th March 2012 to teach classes I to VIII in the Schools affiliated to the CBSE shall qualify/pass the Central Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by CBSE on behalf of Central Government or Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), conducted by the appropriate State Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for this purpose.
CBSE has released the new CTET 2020 exam date. CBSE is planning to conduct the exam on 31 January in two shifts for paper-I and -II.
The CTET exam will be conducted at the CTET exam centre with all the precautions needed for Covid-19.
CTET will be held in two shifts.
The timings of the Paper 1 shift is given below:
Paper |
Timing |
Duration |
Paper-I |
9:30 A.M to 12:00 P.M |
2.30 Hours |
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Notification
Exam Name |
CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) |
Conducting Body |
Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) |
Type of Job |
Teaching Jobs |
Session of the Year |
CTET July 2020 |
Official Website |
ctet.nic.in |
Mode of exam |
Pen and Paper |
Mode of Application |
Online Form |
Language Medium |
20 languages |
Average No of Applicants |
25-30 lakhs |
Exam Duration |
Two and a half hour(per paper) |
Negative Marking |
NA |
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Exam Pattern
CBSE conducts two papers for CTET in two different sessions. CTET Paper 1 is for the aspirants who wish to become teachers of Class 1 to V while Paper 2 is for the aspirants who wish to become teachers of Class VI to VIII. A candidate may apply for both the papers too depending on the eligibility.
The questions are Multiple Choice questions which will be in bilingual medium, i.e both in English and Hindi.
There is no negative marking for the CTET Exam.
CTET_Paper-1 (Class 1 to 5)
Exam Mode: Objective Type Test
Subject |
No. of Question |
Mark |
Total Duration |
Child Development & Pedagogy |
30 |
30 |
Language (I)* - Hindi |
30 |
30 |
2 hrs. 30 mins. (150 mins.) |
Language (II)* - English |
30 |
30 |
Mathematics |
30 |
30 |
Environmental Science |
30 |
30 |
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Minimum Qualifying Marks
The aspirants who appear in CTET will be issued a Marks Statement.
Those who secure 60% and above marks will be issued an Eligibility Certificate.
The School Authorities (Government, Local bodies, Government aided and unaided) might consider giving concessions to aspirants who belong to SC/ST, OBC, differently-abled persons, etc., in accordance with their extant reservation policy and on providing original certificate by the candidates.
Qualifying the CTET doesn't mean that would confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment.
The syllabus of CTET is majorly designed by keeping the students in mind.
The following table depicts a brief of CTET Syllabus for Paper 1
I. Child Development and Pedagogy
a) Child Development (Primary School Child)- 10 Questions |
(क)बाल विकास प्राथमिक विद्यालय के शिक्षक के लिए |
Concept of development and its relationship with learning |
विकास की अवधारणा तथा अधिगम के साथ उसका सम्बन्ध। |
Principles of the development of children |
बालक विकास के सिद्धांत। |
Influence of Heredity & Environment |
आनुवांशिकता और पर्यावरण का बालक पर प्रभाव। |
Socialization processes: Social world & children (Teacher, Parents, Peers) |
सामाजीकरण की प्रक्रिया- विश्व समाज और बालक (शिक्षक, अभिभावक एवं समाज के अन्य सदस्यगण)। |
Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives |
पियाजे, कोहल्बर्ग और वायगोइस्की के सिद्धांत। |
Concepts of child-centred and progressive education |
बाल-केन्द्रित और परगामी शिक्षा की अवधारना। |
Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence |
बौद्धिकता निर्माण संबंधी विवेचित संदर्श। |
Multi-Dimensional Intelligence |
भाषा और चिंतन। |
Language & Thought |
समाज निर्माण के रूप में लिंगः लैंगिक भूमिकाएं, पूर्वाग्रह और शैक्षणिक व्यवहार संबंधी प्रश्न। |
Gender as a social construct; gender roles, gender-bias and educational practice |
शिक्षार्थियों के बीच व्यक्तिगत विभेद, भाषा, जाति, लिंग, समुदाय और धर्म विषय पर विभेदों का मनन। |
Individual differences among learners, understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community, religion etc. |
अधिगम के लिए मूल्यांकन और अधिगम का मूल्यांकन के बीच अंतरः विद्यालय आधारित मूल्यांकन |
The distinction between Assessment for learning and assessment of learning; School-Based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: perspective and practice |
शिक्षार्थियों की तैयारी कक्षा में शिक्षण और विवेचित चिंतक तथा शिक्षार्थी की उपलब्धि के लिए उपयुक्त प्रश्न पत्र की तैयारी। |
Formulating appropriate questions for assessing readiness levels of learners; for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement |
b) Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs
b) Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs(5 Questions) |
(ख) समावेशी शिक्षा की अवधारणा तथा विशेष आवशकयता वाले बालकों को समझना (5 प्रश्न) |
Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived |
गैर-लाभप्रद और अवसर से वंचित शिक्षार्थियों सहित विभिन्न प्रष्ठभूमि से आए शिक्षार्थी की आवशकताओं को समझना। |
Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘impairment’ etc. |
अधिगम सम्बन्धी समस्याएं, कठिनाई वाले बालकों की आवश्यकताओं को समझना। |
Addressing the Talented, Creative, Specially-abled Learners |
मेधावी, सृजनशील, विशिष्ट प्रतिभावान शिक्षार्थी की आवशयकताओं को समझना। |
c) Learning and Pedagogy
c) Learning and Pedagogy |
(ग) सिखाना एवं अध्यापन (10 प्रश्न) |
How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance. |
बालक किस प्रकार सीखते और सोचते है? बालक विद्यालय प्रदर्शन में सफलता प्राप्त करने में कैसे और क्यों असफल होते है? |
Basic processes of teaching and learning; children’s strategies of learning; learning as a social activity; social context of learning. |
अधिगम और अध्यापन की बुनियादी प्रक्रियाएं, बालकों की अधिगम कार्य नीतियां, सामाजिक क्रिया कलाप के रूप में अधिगम, अधिगम में सामाजिक सन्दर्भ। |
Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’ |
एक समस्या समाधानकर्ता और एक वैज्ञानिक अन्वेषक के रूप में बालक। |
Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process. |
बोध एवं संवेदनाएं। |
Cognition & Emotions |
प्रेरणा एवं अधिगम। |
Motivation and learning |
बालकों में अधिगम की वैकल्पिक संकल्पना, अधिगम प्रक्रिया में महत्वपूर्ण चरणों के रूप में बालक की त्रुटियों को समझना। |
Factors contributing to learning – personal & environmental |
II. Language I- 30 Questions
a) Language Comprehension – 15 Questions |
(क) भाषा बोधगम्यता (15 प्रश्न) |
Reading unseen passages – two passages one prose or drama and one poem with questions on comprehension |
अनदेखे अनुच्छेदों को पढ़ना- दो अनुच्छेदों, एक गद्य अथवा नाटक और एक कविता, जिसमें बोधगम्यता, निष्कर्ष, व्याकरण और मौखिक योग्यता से सम्बंधित प्रशन पूछे जाते हैं। |
inference |
शिक्षण पर आधारित भाषा विकास। |
grammar and verbal ability (Prose passage may be literary, scientific, narrative or discursive) |
सीखना और ज्ञान अर्जित करना। |
विवरणात्मक भाषा शिक्षण। |
सुनने और बोलने की भूमिका : भाषा का कार्य तथा बालक इसे किस प्रकार उपयोग में लेते है? |
b) Pedagogy of Language Development- 15 Questions |
(ग) भाषा विकास का अध्यापन (15 प्रश्न) |
Learning and acquisition |
अधिगम और अर्जन। |
Principles of language Teaching |
भाषा अध्यापन के सिद्धांत. |
Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool |
सुनने और बोलने की भूमिकाः भाषा का कार्य तथा बालक इसे किस प्रकार एक उपकरण के रूप में प्रयोग करते हैं? |
Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form |
मौखिक और लिखित रूप में विचारों के संप्रेषण के लिए किसी भाषा के अधिगम में व्याकरण की भूमिका पर निर्णायक संदर्श। |
Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders |
एक भिन्न कक्षा में भाषा पढ़ाने की चुनौतियां- भाषा की कठिनाइयां, त्रुटियां और विकार। |
Language Skills |
भाषा कौशल। |
भाषा बोधगम्यता और प्रवीणता का मूल्यांकन करनाः बोलन, सुनना, पढ़ना और लिखना। |
अध्यापन- अधिगम सामग्रियां- पाठ्यपु स्तक, मल्टी मीडिया सामग्री, कक्षा का बहुभाषायी संसाधन। |
उपचारात्मक अध्यापन |
III. Language – II 30 Questions
a) Comprehension- 15 Questions
Two unseen prose passages (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with question on comprehension, grammar and verbal ability
(क) बोध्यगम्यता (15 प्रश्न)
दो अनोखे गद्य अनुच्छेद (तर्क मूलक अथवा साहित्यिक अथवा वर्णनात्मक अथवा वैज्ञानिक) जिनमें बोध्यगम्यता, निष्कर्ष, व्याकरण और मौखिक योग्यता से संबंधित प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं।
b) Pedagogy of Language Development- 15 Questions |
(ख) भाषा विकास का अध्यापन (15 प्रश्न) |
Learning and acquisition |
अधिगम और अर्जन। |
Principles of language Teaching |
भाषा अध्यापन के सिद्धांत. |
Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool |
सुनने और बोलने की भूमिकाः भाषा का कार्य तथा बालक इसे किस प्रकार एक उपकरण के रूप में प्रयोग करते हैं? |
Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form; |
मौखिक और लिखित रूप में विचारों के संप्रेषण के लिए किसी भाषा के अधिगम में व्याकरण की भूमिका पर निर्णायक संदर्श। |
Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders |
एक भिन्न कक्षा में भाषा पढ़ाने की चुनौतियाँ- भाषा की कठिनाइयाँ, त्रुटियों और विकार। |
Language Skills |
भाषा कौशल। |
Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading and writing |
भाषा बोधगम्यता और प्रवीणता का मूल्यांकन करनाः बोलन, सुनना, पढ़ना और लिखना। |
Teaching – learning materials: Textbook, multimedia materials, multilingual resource of the classroom |
अध्यापन- अधिगम सामग्रियां- पाठ्यपु स्तक, मल्टी मीडिया सामग्री, कक्षा का बहुभाषायी संसाधन। |
Remedial Teaching |
उपचारात्मक अध्यापन |
a) Content 15 Questions गणित (30 प्रश्न)
Solids around Us, Numbers, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Measurement, Weight, Time, Volume, Data Handling, Patterns, Money
Geometry (क) विषय-वस्तु (15 प्रश्न)
Shapes & Spatial Understanding ज्यामिति, आकार और स्थानिक समझ, हमारे चारों ओर विद्यमान ठोस पदार्थ, संख्याएं, जोड़ना और घटाना, गुणा करना, विभाजन, मापन, भार, समय, परिमाण, आंकड़ा प्रबंधन, पैटर्न, राशि।
IV. Mathematics 30 Questions
b) Pedagogical issues 15 Questions |
(ख) अध्यापन संबंधी मुद्दे (15 प्रश्न) |
Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking; understanding children’s thinking and reasoning patterns and strategies of making meaning and learning |
गणितीय/तार्किक चिंतन की प्रकृतिः बालक के चिंतन एवं तर्कशक्ति पैटर्नों तथा अर्थ निकालने और अधिगम की कार्यनीतियों को समझना। |
Place of Mathematics in Curriculum |
पाठ्यचर्या में गणित का स्थान। |
Language of Mathematics |
गणित की भाषा। |
Community Mathematics |
सामुदायिक गणित। |
Evaluation through formal and informal methods |
औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक पद्धतियोंके माध्यम से मूल्यांकन। |
Problems of Teaching |
शिक्षण की समस्याएं। |
Error analysis and related aspects of learning and teaching |
त्रुटि विश्लेषण तथा अधिगम एवं अध्यापन के प्रांसगिक पहलू। |
Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching |
नैदानिक एवं उपचारात्मक शिक्षण। |
V. Environmental Studies 30 Questions
a) Content 15 Questions
Family and Friends: Relationships; Work and Play; Animals; Plants
Things We Make and Do
(क) विषय वस्तु (15 प्रश्न)
परिवार और मित्र, संबंध, कार्य और खेल, पशु, पौधे, भोजन, आश्रय, पानी, भ्रमण, वे चीजें जो हम बनाते और करते हैं।
Concept and scope of EVS |
ई.वी.एस. की अवधारणा और व्याप्ति |
Significance of EVS, integrated EVS |
ई.वी.एस. का महत्व, एकीकृत ई.वी.एस. |
Environmental Studies & Environmental Education |
पर्यावरणीय अध्ययन एवं पर्यावरणीय शिक्षा |
Learning Principles |
अधिगम सिद्धांत |
Scope & relation to Science & Social Science |
विज्ञा और सामाजिक विज्ञान की व्याप्ति और संबंध |
Approaches of presenting concepts |
अवधारणा प्रस्तुत करने के दृष्टिकोण |
Activities |
क्रियाकलाप |
Experimentation/Practical Work |
प्रयोग/व्यवहारिक कार्य |
Discussion |
चर्चा |
सी.सी.ई. |
Teaching material/Aids |
शिक्षण सामग्री/उपकरण |
Problems |
समस्याएं |
CTET 2020 Paper 1 Eligibility criteria
Eligibility criteria include the qualification of the candidate in terms of the education degrees/ achievements. The criteria for Class I to V is different from that of Classes VI to VIII (Elementary Stage). Applicants are requested to read about the eligibility criteria and then submit the application.
Eligibility criteria for Classes I to V
Primary Stage Senior Secondary (or it's equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 2- year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 2- year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations, 2002. OR
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passing or appearing in the final year of 4- year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed). OR
Senior Secondary (or it's equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 2- year Diploma in Education (Special Education) OR
“Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)” “(a) who has acquired the qualification or Bachelor of Education from any NCTE recognized institution shall be considered for appointment as a teacher in classes I to V provided the person so appointed as a teacher shall mandatorily undergo a six month Bridge
Course in Elementary Education recognized by the NCTE, within two years of such appointment as a primary teacher”.
Worried about how to prepare such a vast syllabus. Don’t worry we have got you the expert faculty that will not only teach you but also provide you personal guidance on a daily basis. We provide online coaching for CTET 2020 for the papers 1
This course offers Level- CTET - 45 Days Score Booster Batch (CTET Paper 1 - Class 1 to 5) Mode of instruction- Bilingual Subject Covered - Mathematics, Hindi, English, Environmental Science (EVS), Child Development & Pedagogy (CDP) Target Audience- CTET 2021 Exams Class Schedule - 6 Days in a week Class Timings-
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